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🎨 DALL·E 3 + ChatGPT

Conversational AI Image Generation

My 3yo son recently inquired about the prospect of a bird made of cheese (naturally).

Since we live in The Future, I did the thing I'm fond of doing, and translated an idea into pixels. (Somewhat related to my other hobby, translating a song in my head into soundwaves!)

DALL-E 3 prompt: Photo of a meticulously crafted bird sculpture, made entirely out of swiss cheese, with the characteristic holes visible throughout the structure. The bird is perched on a wooden pedestal, with its wings slightly spread.

DALL-E 3 is available for free using Bing Image Creator

It was also recently added to ChatGPT Plus, which is nice, since you can make adjustments to the generations conversationally.

The ChatGPT + DALL·E 3 chat interface also does a nice job of taking your prompt ("a bird made of cheese"), and then taking some creative liberties with the prompt it feeds the image generation to try to make it more awesome: "Photo of a meticulously crafted bird sculpture, made entirely out of swiss cheese, with the characteristic holes visible throughout the structure. The bird is perched on a wooden pedestal, with its wings slightly spread."