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Hello World! - Building a Blog with Eleventy

Eleventy + Netlify = Awesome 🚀

Once upon a time, I wanted to blog about interesting tech things. Reading Hacker News, I was familiar with the trap many developers fall into - either reinventing the wheel or bikeshedding when it came to building a blog, and I didn't want to do the same.

"Should I just . . . Wordpress?" I wondered. I do love and respect what WP has done for making the web accessible to so many folk, but . . . it's also a bit of a dumpster fire.

For a minimalist blog, I didn't require the complexities of JavaScript, a database, or myriad plugins. My requirements were simple: HTML, CSS, some hosted images, and a hassle-free deployment mechanism.

That led me to discover the magic of Static Site Generators (SSGs).

In essence, an SSG transforms raw data (like my Markdown files) into static HTML files.

Advantages: #

  1. Speed: Pre-built pages are incredibly swift to serve. For instance, this site, at a mere 7.6KB, boasts a a 99/100 on Pingdom's speed test. In contrast, my 2009 Wordpress blog, which wasn't particularly optimized, clocked a loading time of 1.85 seconds for its 1.3MB took 1.85 seconds to load its 1.3MB, scoring a 62/100. Oh look, a helpful graph! 😉
  2. Security: Without a server dynamically processing information and user requests, there is a much smaller surface area for malicious activity.
  3. Version Control: The entire content resides within your codebase, simplifying version control. This streamlined approach contrasts sharply with the periodic backups Wordpress demands.
  4. Cost-Effective: Static files are typically cheaper and simpler to host, as opposed to managing dynamic server resources. Companies like Netlify even offer free hosting and complimentary SSL certificates. (I must clarify, this isn't a sponsored mention. I'm genuinely impressed with their service.)

Cons of a Static Site Generator: #

  1. Ease of use: SSGs are primarily developer-oriented and demand a certain degree of technical expertise for setup and maintenance.
  2. Dynamic Content: SSGs aren't the go-to solution if, for example, you're looking to host an e-commerce platform or manage user logins.

Why Did I Choose Eleventy? #

Eleventy is an SSG built on JavaScript. It stands out due to its comprehensive documentation, supportive community, and an excellent starter blog repo that was the foundation for this site.

The code for this site, which used that starter blog for its template, can be viewed here.

Deploying to Netlify #

I make changes to my blog, and push it to GitHub. Netlify seamlessly detects these modifications, builds the site using 11ty, and deploys it. The entire process is remarkably smooth.

Wordpress vs. SSG: A Helpful Graph #

"Hey, GPT-4 (Advanced Data Analysis Mode)--please generate a graph to represent the following:"

"My Wordpress Blog": load time=1.85s. page size=1.3MB
" - 11ty": load time=138 ms. page size=7.6 KB

Bar graph depicting the following: 'My Wordpress Blog': load time=1.85s. page size=1.3MB ' - 11ty': load time=138 ms. page size=7.6 KB

😎 Cool. Good job, robot.